Updates and Reminders
IDPH Outlines COVID-19 Procedures
As school is now underway, please note the following updates and reminders. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to review the Peru Elementary School Reopening Guide and the Parent/Student Frequently Asked Questions page. These documents will answer many of your questions.
Additionally, the Illinois Department of Public Health shared this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Schools document with the school districts and updates it periodically. This comprehensive plan outlines procedures which districts must follow when working with students and staff who contract or may have been exposed to COVID-19. It also addresses many other topics including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Contact Tracing, COVID Testing, as well as other pertinent topics. I encourage you to review this document so you are aware of the directives we will be following as a school district.
Please pay particular attention to the following updates and reminders throughout the school year.
Facial Coverings
According to the IDPH and CDC guidance, all persons on school grounds including students, teachers, school nurses, administrative and secretarial staff, food service personnel, custodial staff, public safety personnel, etc., must wear a face covering at all times when in school or in transit to and from school via group conveyance (i.e., school buses), unless a specific exemption applies.
Water Bottles
To protect our students and staff, all water fountains in the buildings have been turned off. Students will need to bring a water bottle to school each day. We encourage families to purchase a reusable water bottle.
Parkside students will be utilizing their backpacks to keep materials with them and contained throughout the day. Lockers are available at the beginning and end of the school day for coats, jackets or athletic bags. Northview students will be able to store items in their desks.
Meals for Fully Remote Learning Families
If your student is Fully Remote Learning and would like to participate in the school breakfast/lunch program, please contact Kim Vezzetti at 815-223-1111 x188. Packaged meals will be available for pick-up on Mondays between 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
If you have any questions which we have not answered, please contact us via email or phone.
Jamie Craven, Superintendent