School Closing Information
In the event severe weather or some other emergency necessitates the closing of school, the safety and welfare of all students will always be the first concern in making this decision. The biggest factor is the ability of the buses to transport students safely. Any decision to close school is announced as soon as possible via the district's automated alert system, on the district's Facebook page and website, and online at WLPO 1220 AM and the NewsTribune.
While many districts with rural areas (including LaSalle-Peru Township High School) will understandably close for the day under certain conditions, there is a good chance we will be in since our district is in town and we have no rural roads. This decision is very situational to the weather conditions of that day, the ability of the road crews to clear the streets, the safety conditions for the buses on the roads and our own ability to get our many parking lots and sidewalks cleared. If the roads are clear and assuming we can be ready, we very well may have school even when others are out.
Also, once students are in school, we will rarely dismiss early unless it is absolutely necessary. This is because many children do not have an adult at home earlier in the day, and parents who are working or traveling may not be aware of the early dismissal in time to make arrangements for their child. While some school districts prefer to close early, our school district has virtually no rural roads and we feel strongly that changing the schedule on short notice will cause more confusion and will more likely leave children walking home or otherwise exposed to uncertain weather conditions.
Please know that we will always do whatever it takes to keep your children safe. As parents, of course it is your responsibility to keep your children safe until they get on the bus or walk into the school. It is our responsibility from there. Feel free to contact the district office with any questions.