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7th Grade Team

Welcome to 7th grade!

Ms. Hubinsky
Social Studies
Ms. Bickett
Mrs. Goskusky
Language Arts
Social Studies
Mrs. Rich
Special Education
Ms. Donovan
Language Arts
Social Studies



Important Resources


Homework Hotline





Math Curriculum

(UN: usernameperu/PW: Peru#(4 digit code)

Social Studies Curriculum

(UN: first initial + last name + peru/PW: Peru----)


General 7th Grade Classroom Guidelines

  • Be in assigned seat with all materials when bell rings

  • Write assignment in agenda at the start of class

  • Listen well and cooperate with your classmates

  • Follow ALL rules in student agenda


Late and Missing Work Policy

According to the Student Handbook, “Daily classwork and homework are critical to help students to master key concepts, and even one zero can significantly impact the overall grade. Students are expected to complete all work and may be required to attend mandated study programs (including but not limited to Academic Lunch, Friday Extended Day and Saturday School) to complete any missing assignments. The grade may be reduced by 10% if not complete when due through the next school day, and by 20% thereafter, with a minimum grade of 70% if completed with integrity within a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the teacher.”


Parent Contact Times

Seventh grade preparation period times are as follows:

  • Between 10:05 and 10:40 A.M. and also between 1:45 and 2:20 P.M. on regular bell schedule.

  • Between 9:45 and 10:15 A.M. and also between 12:45-1:10 P.M. on 1:50 dismissal bell schedule.  

  • The telephone number is 223-1111.


Classroom Detention

  • Serve on day assigned (15 minutes)

  • If missed, you must serve 2 consecutive days

  • If you miss one of these, you receive an office detention (50 minutes)


General Responsibilities

  • Please obtain assignments in advance if you will be absent from class for school sponsored events (work due that day must be turned in before class AND assigned work is due the  following class period for missed class)

  • Arranged Absence: Speak with classroom teacher AND OFFICE – for approval

  • Reschedule band lessons that fall on test days

  • Please use bathroom/get a drink BEFORE class

  • Treat all guests in our building with respect


Homework Responsibilities

  • Read all directions before starting

  • Put first and last name on your paper

  • If finished in class, turn into the correct class tray

  • Homework Hotline Online – www.perued.net, Parkside tab, Homework Hotline tab, 7th grade



All disciplinary action will follow the policies and procedures outlined by the district in the Student Handbook. Minor (or recurring) offenses may result in a Teacher Detention.  Major offenses will be referred to the administration where further disciplinary action may be taken.



Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Literature gradebooks will follow a 70% weight for Assessments and 30% weight for Practice.

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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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