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6th Grade Team


Welcome to G6!

Mr. Thompson
  Language Arts/Literature
Social Studies
Mrs. Pearson
Language Arts/Literature
Social Studies
Mrs. Kimes
Social Studies
Ms. Fassino
Special  Education
Mrs. Giachetto

General 6th Grade Info

Since the addition of our 1:1 student Chromebook technology initiative, a majority of our

Important Resources

Homework Hotline

Google Classroom Math Curriculum
Social Studies Curriculum  

curriculum will be accessible online through Google Docs and Class, as well as Pearson for Math. Most classes will be graded 70% assessment and 30% homework, with the exception of Lit class: 60% assessment, 30% homework, and 10% A.R.


* For more information on Parkside’s grading policy, please refer to the student handbook.


Lit/Lang: Mrs. Pearson and Mr. Thompson

Lit will cover short stories, novels, poetry, and drama, as well as the four elements of setting, character, plot, and theme. Accelerated Reader is worth 10% of students’ overall Lit grade. Lang will focus on Daily Oral Language, spelling, grammar, and essay writing topics including the narrative, expository, and argumentative, as well as creative writing.

Math: Mrs. Giachetto

Math will focus on number sense, ratios, basic geometry, and pre-algebra concepts. The math textbook is available at login.i-ready.com. Students will need to complete work in their textbook, i-Ready Pathway, ixl, along with a variety of assessments. Curriculum will focus mainly on real-world and practical applications of math.

Science: Mrs. Kimes

Science centers around the Next Generation Science Standards and STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Math. Class is hands-on and inquiry-based; students will learn mainly through experimentation and the scientific method. While there is no textbook, supplemental materials will be used instead. Class work will be mainly cooperative and group-based.

SS/Geo: All

Social Science this year will cover topics in Geography. We will be utilizing the T.C.I. online interactive curriculum. Some of the areas covered will be general map use, the U.S. and Canada, Asia, and Oceania/Antarctica. Students will switch instructors each trimester.


Special Education: Ms. Fassino

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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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