Agendas and Minutes
Regular monthly Board of Education meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month, with a few exceptions throughout the year. Here is the 2024-25 regular meeting schedule and any changes will be noted as agendas are posted in the table below. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and held in the choral room at Parkside School, 1800 Church Street, Peru. Special meetings and committee meetings will be scheduled and announced when necessary. All meeting agendas are posted at least 48 hours in advance at the Superintendent's Office at Parkside School, as well as here at
Also provided in the table below are upcoming meetings of the Board of Education, as well as agendas and minutes from recent years. Links will become active once the upcoming agenda has been posted, and always at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting and in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Please contact Superintendent Jamie Craven or Board Secretary Megan Baltikauski at (815) 223-1111 for more information.
For those interested, here is the Open Meetings Act FAQs for the General Public, as well as the Open Meetings Act FAQs for Local Public Bodies. The two documents are provided by the Office of the Illinois Attorney General and further explain the Open Meetings Act. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend any meeting of the Board of Education and require certain accommodations in order to attend and/or participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact Superintendent Jamie Craven for assistance.
Regular, Special and Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
February 19, 2025 Regular Meeting Packet