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Parkside PBIS

R * A * I * D * E * R * S


What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors and meeting the needs of ALL students.

PBIS is managing student behavior in a proactive manner.

This is a district-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.


PBIS is an evidence-based practice which includes behavioral interventions to enhance positive academic and social behavior outcomes.

Our goal is to partner with you-the parent-to ensure success.

District Teaching of behaviors from the Parkside Behavior Matrix occurred at the beginning of the year (please see the inside cover of the student agenda)

Re-teaching and reinforcement of behavior occurs throughout the school year

Acknowledge and reinforcing positive behavior is one of the best ways to encourage appropriate behavior and to change inappropriate behavior

Parkside School Positive Behavior Matrix





Outdoor Area


Assemblies/Field trips


Locker Room









Be Respectful

Respect yourself, others and property

Use quiet voice and appropriate language

Be an active listener and participant

Have a positive attitude

Respect yourself, others and property

Use quiet voice and appropriate language

Stay to the right

Respect yourself, others and property

Use quiet voice and appropriate language

Show good sportsmanship in games or activities

Move quietly to and from lunch areas

Respect yourself, others and property


Use quiet voice and appropriate language


Obey the driver

Respect yourself, others and property

Use quiet voice and appropriate language

Be an active listener and participant

Be a positive representative of your school


Respect yourself, others and property


Use quiet voice and appropriate language


Be Responsible

Ready and Here

(On time with appropriate materials)

Leave No Trace

Keep lockers and hallways clean and secure

Leave No Trace

Go directly to designated area

Ready and Here

(On time with appropriate materials)


Leave No Trace

Ready and Here

(On time with appropriate materials)

Leave No Trace

Be ready for your stop

Ready and Here

(On time with appropriate materials)

Leave No Trace

Use bathroom facilities appropriately

Return to class promptly

Use proper hand washing techniques

Be Safe

Follow Emergency Procedures


Use equipment and materials appropriately




Follow Emergency Procedures


Report and respond to unsafe behaviors


WALK at all times




Follow Emergency Procedures


Report and respond to unsafe behaviors


Use equipment and furniture appropriately





Follow Emergency



Report and respond to unsafe behaviors


Follow Bus Safety Rules

(Remain seated at all times and keep aisle clear)




Follow Emergency Procedures


Follow entrance and exit procedures


Stay with assigned Teacher or Chaperone


Follow Emergency Procedures


Report and respond to unsafe behaviors


Use equipment and furniture appropriately




Raider Reward Tickets:

*Students earn Raider Reward tickets for good behavior

*Tickets are redeemed for classroom, school store, and special grade level incentives

*Whole-school activities are offered quarterly


What can I do to help my student with PBIS at home?

-Review the three building-wide expectations with your child

-Reinforce the three expectations at home

-Provide positive reinforcement (rewarding good choices with compliments or quality time)

-Model and promote positive phrases with your student, such as, "Thank-you", "Excuse me", "Please", and "I'm Sorry"

- Make time to discuss the school day your child

-Emphasize the importance of being prepared for school (check you child's book bag, create an evening homework routine, get 8-9 hours of sleep, and eat a healthy breakfast)

-Keep in touch with your student's teacher

-Encourage your child to use appropriate language, tone, and facial expressions


PBIS Team at Parkside School

Abby Kotecki and Tara Backes, Internal Coaches, 5th grade

Corinne Kimes, 6th grade

Alexia Donovan - 7th grade

Molly Leone - 8th grade

Katie Kolczaski, Expo

Julie Miller, Social Worker

Melissa Bosnich, Assistant Principal

Brent Ziegler, Principal

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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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