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8th Grade Team

Welcome to 8th grade!

Mrs. Leone
Special Education
Mrs. Atilano
Mr. Hall
Ms. Sonnenberg
U.S. History
Mrs. Robinson
Mrs. Ochs
Important Resources
Homework Hotline Teacherease

Math Curriculum

Click for Digits Access Directions

Social Studies Curriculum

(UN: first initial+last name+peru

PW:  Peru----)

Science Curriculum

(UN: scienceparkside

PW: raider15)


The eighth grade team would like to welcome you as well as your child(ren) and extend our wishes for a successful school year. We will be working together to share information and ideas concerning how to meet the needs of all students.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments that you feel the entire eighth grade team should be aware of, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. We do check our email throughout the day and can correspond with you in that manner, or you may phone the school. The best time to call would be during our conference period times: Period 4, 10:44-11:27 or Period 8, 2:22-3:05. On Early Dismissal days, the times do change as follows: Period 4, 10:16-10:60; Period 8, 1:18-1:50.  We will do our best to respond to messages as soon as possible as communication with parents is very important to us.

In eighth grade, the late homework policy, outlined in the student handbook, is followed strictly, and students are expected to complete all work with effort and integrity. Grades are weighted in all classes and are the same in all grade levels. Be aware that you cannot simply add and divide scores to get an average.  Also, while we will all have online work both in the classroom and assigned for homework, hard copies are always available for students who need them. Please encourage your child to obtain hard copies or alternate assignments if needed. The Homework Hotline is posted in all classrooms and available online daily.

Please know we strive to provide a challenging curriculum that encourages students to think critically while also teaching them skills and emphasizing lessons that will be valuable in the years to come as well as throughout life. With all this said, we’re looking forward to a wonderful year and getting to know all of you!

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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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