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Full Remote Learning Continues through 1/8/21

Weekly Meals Available

As we continue to monitor the health and safety of our students and staff, the district has made the decision to continue with full-remote learning through Friday, January 8th. Local and regional conditions and the number of possible contacts requiring quarantine will prevent us from returning to in-person blended learning.  After the holidays we will revisit the trends in positive COVID-19 cases in our area and the number of students and staff requiring quarantine, and we will then make the determination if we can return on Monday, January 11th.


During this full-remote learning period, weekly meals will be available for pick-up every Monday between 9-11 a.m. at the back side of Parkside School. No meals will be available during the regularly scheduled two-week winter break. If you would like meals but cannot make it during the scheduled time frame, please call the District Office at 815-223-1111 x5 to schedule a pick-up time.


Our Return to Learn guiding principles that were established in July remain the same: Maintaining the health and safety of all students while providing a meaningful and engaging learning experience for all students. At this time we simply feel it is in the best interest of all to continue in full-remote learning given our local and area conditions.


Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and cooperation during these challenging times. Your partnership with the district is critically important as we navigate these unique times.




Jamie Craven


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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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