Third Trimester Registration
Completed Forms Due by January 29
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to navigate through this unusual school year. As we transition to an AM/PM schedule on February 22 for the third trimester, we need every family to complete the Third Trimester Registration Form by this Friday, January 29 at 4:00 PM.
Within the form you will be selecting your Learning Option for the third trimester for each child. If your students currently attend in-person and wish to continue in-person instruction, the students who attend Monday/Wednesday will attend the AM schedule Monday-Thursday. Students who currently attend in-person on Tuesday/Thursday will attend the PM schedule Monday-Thursday. Any student who is currently enrolled in our Full Remote schedule but wishes to return to in-person AM/PM learning will be assigned to a group based on student needs, classroom space and availability.
If you need bus service and currently qualify or if you need YMCA Before/After Care, please complete all information in those sections of the form. We are currently working with the YMCA on available coverage, so your response will help to determine those decisions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student's school office at 815-223-1111 x3 (Northview), x4 (Parkside).